Chess in 1765
by Bill Wall, 2021

Books by Bill Wall
In 1765, Das dreyseitige Schachbrett (The three-sided chessboard) published in Vienna and Regensburg, Germany by E. F. Bader. It was a German translation of a chess book by Filippo Marinelliwas written in 1722. [source: Murray, A History of Chess, 1913, p. 356]

In 1765, Sir Abraham Janssen (1699-1765) died. He was a regular chess player at Slaughter's Coffee House in London. [source: Murray, A History of Chess, 1913, p. 846]

In 1765, another edition of Robert Lambe's (1711-1795) book, The History of Chess, was published in London by J. Wilkie.

In 1765, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) played chess against David Hume (1711-1776) while Rousseau was living in England. In late 1765, Rousseau started writing The Confessions, his autobiography. It had several references to chess.

In 1765, Hyacinthe Henry Boncourt (1765-1840) was born. He was one of the leading chess players in France in the early 19th century.

In 1765, the word "stalemate" (not in checkmate but having no legal move) was first being used as a verb. The player who received stalemate won the game. The rule of stalemate being a draw came about 1807.

In 1765, Philidor composed the music for the comique opera Tom Jones for the theater loosely based on Henry Fielding's (1707-1754) novel, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, published in 1749. The text was written by Antoine-Alexandre-Henri Poinsinet (1735-1769). Philidor introduced for the first time an unaccompanied quartet. It first premiered at the Comedie-Italienne, Hotel de Bourgogne, in Paris, on February 17, 1765. It was damned and booed by the public the first night. However, Philidor had the text revised by Michael-Jaen Sedaine, and this new version was performed almost a year later, on January 30, 1766, to great success. It proved to be one of the most popular operas comiques of the late 18th century.

In Tom Jones, Philidor showed that he was a pioneer in descriptive music. He introduced onomatropic sounds into his orchestra — the hunting horn, the bay of the hounds, the horses' hooves, and the crack of whips. (source: Schonberg, Grandmasters of Chess, 1973, P. 34)

Philidor was the first musician to lure the audience to listen to Italian music by adapting French words to Italian music, and emulating the Italian style in several of his own comic operas.

In 1765, Philidor assisted in the composition of the music for the opera comique Le Tonnier (The Stalwart). It first premiered at the Comedie-Italienne, Hotel de Bourgogne, in Paris, on March 16, 1765.

In 1765, Philidor's second son, Louis Danican Philidor (1765-1802) was born. He worked in the Royal Treasury and had no descendants.

In 1765, Philidor composed, Six ariettes composees pour le roman : Histoire amoureuse de Pierre Lelong et de sa tres honoree dame Blanche Bazu.

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