by Bill Wall


William Shakespeare must have been a chess fanatic.  He  probably played

chess around the Globe.  Here are some hints in Shakespeare's works that

he was a true chess fan - a bard of the board.


A horse!  A horse!  My kingdom for a horse!  KING RICHARD V.iii.7.


And I have horse will follow where the game makes way.  TITUS ANDRONICUS



A man of fire-new words, fashions own knight.  LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST I.i.178.


Are the knights ready to begin their triumph?  PERICLES II.ii.1.


The rascal hath removed my horse.  FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV  II.ii.12.


Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.  KING HENRY IV (Part II)  III.i.31.


We're lost a king of so much worth.  KING HENRY VI (Part I)  I.i.8.


Take heed you dally not before your king.  KING RICHARD III   II.i.12.


The skipping king, he ambles up and down.  KING HENRY IV (Part I).


I'll move the king.  CYMBELINE  I.v.70.


Why, then, we'll make exchange; here, take you this.  THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF



This may gall him with some check.  OTHELLO  I.i.150.


We'll draw.  ROMEO AND JULIET  I.i.3.


Is true as steel; leave you your power to draw.  A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S

DREAM  II.i.197.


No mates for you.  THE TAMING OF THE SHREW  I.i.59.


You will draw both friend and foe.  HAMLET  IV.v.138.


That thou mayst be a queen, a check the world!  KING JOHN  II.i.123.


What two bishops were those that went on each side of the queen?



He thinks, nay, with all confidence he swears, As he had seen't,

or been an instrument to vice you to't, that you have toucht his

queen forbiddenly.  THE WINTER's TALE  I.ii.415-419.


My life I never held but as a pawn to wage against thine enemies;

nor fear to lose it, thy safety being the motive.  KING LEAR  I.i.155-157.


The fashion of these times, where none will sweat but for promotion.

AS YOU LIKE IT  II.iii.59.


I would allow him odds.  KING RICHARD THE SECOND  I.i.62.


And check was the reward of valor.  KING HENRY IV (Part II)  IV.iii.31.


Where's the master?  Play the men.  THE TEMPEST  I.i.9-10.


His hour is almost past.  THE MERCHANT OF VENICE  II.v.58.


Then with the losers let it sympathize, for nothing can seem foul to

those that win.  KING HENRY IV (Part I)  V.i.8.