Chess in 1777
by Bill Wall

Books by Bill Wall
In 1777, the 2nd edition of Philidor's book, Analysis of the Game of Chess, was published in London. The book was published under the patronage of the London Chess Club. [source: Murray, A History of Chess, 1913, p. 863]

On April 30, 1777, Carl Friedrich Gauss was born. He was a mathematician and chessplayer. He solved the 8 queens problem.

In 1777, Benjamin Franklin was introduced to Madame Annne-Louise Brillon, wife of a French General, and they played 6 games of chess together in Passy, France.

On November 26, 1777, Thomas Jefferson wrote in his account log, "Charge him [Charles F. Eppes] for chess-board to Purdie 3-12 pounds" [source: Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 1: Accounts with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, p. 455]

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