Chess in 1756
by Bill Wall, 2021

Books by Bill Wall
In 1756, with the composer Jean-Louis Laruette (1731-1792), Philidor composed the music for the three-act opera comique Le Diable a quatre, ou la Double Metamophose. It premiered at the Theatre de la Foire in St. Laurent in Paris on August 19, 1756. It also played at the St. Germain fair on Feb 12, 1757. The opera was considered a failure.

In 1756, another edition of Academie universelle des jeux was published.

In 1756, another edition of Philidor's Analysis of the Chess was printed which included his portrait.

In the summer of 1756, JeanJacques Rouseau (1712-1778) passed the time playing chess with his friend, Madame d'Epinay. [source: Vauleon, Reading Jean-Jacques Rousseau Through the Prism of Chess, 2019 p. 35]

In 1756, a new edition of Greco's Essai sur le royal jeu des Echecs was published in Paris. The previous Paris edition was published 21 years earlier.

In 1756, a book on checkers (draughts) was published in London that had a dedication with a resemblance to Benjamin Franklin's "Morals of Chess" that appeared 30 years later. The book, Payne's Introduction to Game of Draughts, mentions that "caution, foresight, and circumspection" are qualities of draughts. Franklin said the same thing about chess. Franklin wrote that chess improves the same qualities, using the same terms.

On July 13, 1756, Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) was born in London. He was an English artist and caricaturist who drew Chess Players, which is part of the Yale Center for British Art. Thomas also painted Checkmate. Two men are playing chess as a man watches a woman in the background.

In December 1756, Philidor composed Le Retour du Printemps (The Return of Spring).

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